Blog work


Shiritori is a Japanese word game where the player must make a string of words, each new

Critical Analysis

Describe – What we see are 3 different covers of Hunter x Hunter by Yoshihiro Togashi, each volume has a different art style and tone to its art. One volume is cartoony, one is sketchy and the other is detailed and serious. On volume 12 we see cartoony doodles of the Analysis –

FMP – Final Piece and Evaluation

Finally finishing my FMP, I must say that I personally am quite happy with the result. I believe I’ve kept true to what I sought out to do, keeping the pages black and white like what had inspired the piece, manga; and that the artwork is good enough to where I’m quite satisfied with how…

FMP – Proposal

During my time on this course, I have found that I have majorly improved my understanding on what media it is that I find interest in, leaning more to art, animation and narrative work. From this I decided to choose a pathway that I wanted to do for my FMP, which would be a comic.…

FMP: Update on Work

An update on the comic itself, currently the panels are all drawn out in pencil, the next step is to draw them all out on one or two pages so they all flow into each other. This will be done with a light table and with higher quality paper, after this all that’s left to…

FMP: Research into gag manga

So for this portion of research I’d like to go further in depth with my research on gag manga, I’ll be focusing on manga because it’s what I’m most familiar with and it’s format is what I’m using for my FMP. History of Gag Manga This genre of manga dates back really as far as…

FMP: Inspirations for the comic

For my FMP I had chosen to do a comic, for this I wanted to look into multiple sources and formats of how a comic can be written – of course starting with my favourite medium: manga. Manga is a broad media, dude to it’s thin regulations almost any theme or topic can be explored,…

Podcast Evaluation

Looking back on my podcast, my main thought it could’ve been planned out better and I believe could’ve been better quality. Equipment Now the only piece of equipment I had used to capture the audio was just my iPhone 11, at the time I felt it was the only thing really necessary because of how…

Creating Music

Being given the task to create music tracks that could potentially be used in work such as our podcast, I had to think on how exactly I would approach this, for one I’m not a musician so I would prefer to go in the direction using samples to create a larger piece, considering limited resources…

Making of the podcast

My making of my podcast started off with a brainstorming of ideas, I needed something that I could talk about fluently with the people I was with, without needing a script of any kind, (personally I chose not to do a script due to how stilted and unnatural it felt, rather wanting to do it…


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