Covid Photography

Our task for Adrian was to create photography based around the current Covid-19 Photography. I use this lockdown as a chance to really capture what it’s like during the pandemic.

There were 2 words I wanted to get a real feel of from my photos; isolation and suffocating, as you’ll see I tried to capture these words by having my model walk through empty streets, buildings on either side taking up the space and drawing the image closer in, scenery of areas completely devoid of activity, like a ghost town.

These photos were taken on my iPhone 11.

Studio Photography

Studio photography is done indoors in a controlled environment where the photographer has complete control over everything that goes into creating the piece.

Most pieces are created by having the photographer and the model sitting in front of a backdrop and having a light to the camera. It will all go off at once and it creates a professionally made photograph that can be used for a variety of things.

What is Studio Photography? - SHOOTFACTORY

2017 Portrait Series - Home Studio Portraits — ETDPhotography

Golden Ratio and the Rule of Thirds

The golden ratio also known as the Fibonacci spiral, is a compositional guide that helps guide the viewers through the photo, making the image more balanced and satisfied.

It’s said that incorporating the spiral within an image, scene or character design makes the composition more interesting to look at.

The Golden Ratio and how to use it in graphic design - 99designs

Rule of thirds can be used similarly when making a composition satisfying to look at, when looking at the grid, it could be assumed that the best place to have the focal point of the image would be the middle; however, the best place would actually be on one of the four places where the lines intertwine, placing them here makes them perfect for drawing the eye of the audience, making the composition unbalanced in turn makes it more interesting to look at.

Rule of Thirds for interesting web design | Elements

Using both these skills in tandem will make an image pleasing and satisfying to view, while being used in say, film making, there are directions who choose to directly oppose these conventions in their cinematography.

While it does sound like it would create an immediate unsatisfying image, it actually can make the picture much more interesting to view, if done well.

Photoshoot and editing

During the lesson today we were tasked in taking pictures of either architecture or nature and then editing them.

I ended up editing 2 photos that I liked and here are the before and after results:



While both the edits are simple, this one is particularly simple, I cropped the image to centre the flower and then brightened up some dark spots on it and blurred the background.



In this edit I had more to work with, so I started with cleaning up some blemishes from the building and roads, then brightened the plant life, sky and bright sides of the walls and then darkened the shadows and dark sides of the walls.