Makin’ a movie

Our task from Alex was to create a short film, to show what we’ve learned and also to really teach us how long the post production process really is – it most definitely takes up most of the time.

the actual filming of the movie only took a few hours, I had decided to improv it and see what we could come up with, personally I’m quite happy with the result.
Because of the limited time I had, I decided to embrace the low quality of the film and give it a sort of charm where it really doesn’t take itself seriously

After a day of recording we had the film, next was to edit it all together, the film was record on an iPhone so getting the footage on my PC didn’t take much time at all.

The editing was a tedious process, the editor I had used was free and a little limited, the result was still good in my opinion though. After putting the timeline all together I made the decision to mute the audio, where we filmed was majorly windy and I felt it’d be best and easier to hear if it was dubbed. I also added sound effects and music to play along the scene, I felt playing Aerith’s theme from Final Fantasy 7 was quite fitting, especially with the more comedic, low quality direction I went with it.

A part I’m especially happy with is when an image of Mason (the blonde one in the black clothes) slides across screen, I cropped the image of him to the best of my ability; down to the pixels.

Getting the image to slide across the screen wasn’t that difficult, luckily the editor had a variety of presets and the one I needed fit the bill, especially after using a filter to increase the speed.